Figure out the riddle behind the Man-Eating Mares of Diomedes.
Figure out the riddle behind the Man-Eating Mares of Diomedes by combining the cryptic colourful geometry and work out how to connect the mysterious shapes.
Use your smartness and mental power to accomplish your own labor.
Hercules sailed Aegean to Bistonia and with his companions overpowered the grooms who were tending the horses, and drove them to the sea. The Bistones sent a band of soldiers to recapture the animals.
To free himself to fight, Hercules entrusted the mares to a youth named Abderos, which was dragged around by the mares until he was killed. Meanwhile Hercules fought the Bistones, killed Diomedes, and made the rest flee.
The hero took the mares back to Eurystheus, but Eurystheus set them free.
In a similar way the wise players may follow the smart approach of Hercules and use the HINTS, in order to solve the puzzle.